Gone Fission

Interested in the latest news about environmental cleanup at the Department of Energy’s nuclear facilities? The GONE FISSION Nuclear Report is for you!

The podcast, hosted by Michael Butler, was created to take advantage of one of the newest innovations in media to communicate the impressive accomplishments of the Department’s Environmental Management (EM) program. Recent guests on the second season of the show include Seth Kirshenberg, Executive Director of the Energy Communities Alliance (ECA); Rick McLeod, President & CEO of the Savannah River Site Community Reuse Organization (SRSCRO); and Kristen Ellis, Acting Director of Regulatory, Intergovernmental and Stakeholder Engagement for EM.


Seth Kirshenberg’s interview highlights ECA’s engagement with DOE and current priority issues.


Rick McLeod’s episode features discussion on the SRSCRO, where the Board of Directors and he advocate for new missions for DOE’s Savannah River Site (SRS) and serve as a unified voice for a two-state, five-county region around SRS while supporting cleanup of the former plutonium production site. McLeod also discussed how SRSCRO’s mission has evolved since its inception.


In her episode, Kristin Ellis discussed DOE’s STEM programs and what her office is doing to help ensure an adequate environmental cleanup workforce for the future.


All episodes of ‘Gone Fission Nuclear Report’ may be found at gonefissionnuclear.com